After Hair Transplant Procedure

After Procedure What to Expect and What to Pay Attention

After Procedure; One of the most critical phases of your hair transplant process is aftercare. Once you and your doctor complete a smooth and successful operation, there will be some things you will be encountering and some essential things you will need to avoid and pay attention to.

So, there will be exact information about what you must and must not do. If you want natural-looking hair soon, you must follow up on some necessities! A booklet will be handed out for that.

Bruised-Look of Your Scalp

After hair transplant surgery, your donor and recipient area might look bruised, and you will see the red dot-like holes in the donor zone where the grafts are harvested. However, there is nothing to be worried about; it is a temporary phase for your first days! Just hesitate to touch the recipient area for the first two days. Bruised-look and red holes will heal within 7-10 days.

Redness or Pinkish Discolouration

Your donor and recipient area may look red or pinkish after the procedure. However, it will fade gradually after the first 7-10 days.

Mild Pain After Hair Treatment

Although pain is uncommon after an FUE procedure, you might have mild pain on your first night in your donor area rather than your recipient area. The mild painkiller your doctor prescribes for you will help you out, so do not worry.

Discharge from Donor/Recipient Area

The First 1 to 2 nights after the hair transplant surgery, you may experience some discharge (blood or plasma). It is normal to have it.


Swelling on your forehead and around the eyes is another thing the patients may experience on days 3 and 4, and it usually reaches its peak on days 6-7 and subsides after that.

Smile Hair Clinic provides its patients with anti-inflammatory medicines to minimize the swelling for the first few days.

After your transplant, pay attention to keeping your upper body elevated during sleep. Try not to lower your head while busy with your phone or a book to reduce your swelling.

Shock Loss

Do not be worried if your hair happens to shed. It is totally normal; it is the reaction of your body to the treatment you have had. There are three different types of shock loss you may encounter. You may have hair shedding in the area of transplanted hair, donor area, or non-transplanted area.

Scabbing and Itching

Scabbing and itching are common feelings. Itchy feeling on your scalp signs that you are healing. Scabbing may continue 7-10 days after transplantation.


How Long Does the Healing Last? 

Donor area heals in 7-10 days recipient site heals in after your hair transplantation, your days. It will be a journey during which there will be different stages you go through. In 2 to 4 weeks, growth of transplanted hair is seen, and it may be followed by a hair-shedding, which is temporary and called – Shock Hair Loss. Complete healing takes 6-12 months.

You should consider the necessary steps during this process. The first two weeks can be challenging for you. However, you can relax when you complete the first two weeks and gradually return to your routine.

When Can I See the Results? 

As mentioned before, hair transplantation is a journey, and in this journey, you must be patient. Almost every week, your transplanted hair will be in the process of healing and getting better. Be aware of the stages you are going through; you will understand the transformation.

  • The first results are seen in 4-6 months.
  • In 12 months, good results are seen.
  • In 18 months, you will have your final results.

Will I Need to Use a Bandage After the Procedure?

If there is swelling in the front head area, we will apply an elastic bandage to limit it.

Your wound dressings will be changed in the Smile Hair Clinic the next day after the surgery.

When Does Hair Transplant Start to Grow?

The hair growth starts almost immediately after the surgery. Two weeks after the surgery, you can already see the first outgrowths when the scabs will be off. This hair growth and maturation will continue up to 12-18 months after the surgery.

How should I sleep after the hair transplant surgery?

After the surgery, you need to pay attention to your sleeping habits. For the first seven (7) days after the surgery (in some cases up to 10 days), to prevent any possibility of damage to transplanted hair, you can sleep only on your back, with two pillows in a slightly elevated position and with a neck pillow that we provide.

A neck pillow will help keep your head and neck position in the same position, preventing it from touching the pads and dislodging the grafts.

Can You Lose Transplanted Hair? 

Some patients may experience thinning of their existing hair in the area, referred to as shock loss in their 2-4 months, which is a normal, expected stage of healing and regaining your lost hair.

Can I Take a Shower After the Procedure? 

You can take a shower, but you shouldn’t wash your scalp. You can have it below the shoulder level if you want to shower just after the procedure. Do not stay in the shower cabin for a long time, and keep shower cabin doors slightly opened to avoid too much steam formation.

After the procedure, you shouldn’t wash your hair for the first two days. You can learn how to wash your hair from the video on our Youtube channel . Sometimes if the patient has more bleeding/discharge than usual we can perform the first wash the next day after the surgery after the evaluation by a doctor.

When Can I Wash My Hair After the Procedure?

You should avoid washing your hair for the first two days after the surgery. You can learn how to wash your hair from the video on our YouTube channel . Sometimes if the patient has more bleeding/discharge than usual we can perform the first wash the next day after the surgery after the evaluation by a doctor.

Please, remember that you should be careful with your recipient area the first 10-14 days after the surgery. You can wash your hair normally as you used to before the surgery 10-14 days after. The hallmark is after the scabs are shed off.

Can I Use a Hair Dryer? 

Please let your hair air dry for the first six (6) months. It is because of the hair dryer’s heat, which can damage your hair follicles. If you start to use a hairdryer, you are recommended to set it to low heat.

Can I Comb My Hair After the Procedure?

You can comb your donor area. However, your recipient area cannot be combed till you complete your two weeks.

Can I Get a Haircut After the Procedure?

You can get a haircut one month after the procedure. For the donor area, you can use clippers, while scissors should be used for the recipient area for the first three months.

Can I Dye My Hair After the Procedure?

Because the chemical hair dyes damage the scalp, coloring your newly transplanted hair may not be a good idea for you. If you want to have a good-healing process, you should avoid dying your hair for the first 6-8 weeks after the surgery.

Can I Smoke After the Procedure?

Smoking reduces oxygen and causes poor blood circulation, it can damage your healing process. Therefore, you should stop smoking at least 12 hours before the procedure, and you must avoid smoking for two (2) weeks more after your hair transplant surgery.

Can I Drink Alcohol After the Procedure? 

Avoid alcohol for the first fourteen (14) days after the surgery.

Can I Exercise After the Procedure?

Exercises should be avoided for the first 2 weeks after the hair transplantation. Two weeks after the operation, you can start with light exercises without weight lifting. When you complete the first month, you can go with regular activities, and in 2-3 months, you will be free to do close impact sports such as football, basketball, martial arts, etc. There are no restrictions regarding your daily life (going to work, shopping, walking, etc.).

Can I Wear a Hat or Scarf After the Procedure?

You can start wearing the hat we provide in your amenity kit 4-5 days after the surgery. If you have your temples reconstructed avoid it for the first 14 days; the hallmark is the shedding of scabs. But it would be best to avoid wearing the hat/scarf/caps for the first 10-14 days after the procedure to prevent any trauma to the grafts. The hat should not be too tight, and there must be a gap between the grafts and the top of the hat. If it is rainy outside, remember to take your umbrella with you to protect your scalp.

What About Sunlight Exposure?

There are no restrictions regarding your daily routine (going to work, shopping, having some walks and etc.). The only thing we tell our patients is to avoid too much sunlight or ultraviolet light exposure for the first 6 months after the hair transplant surgery. We advise it for two reasons; First of all, it can cause extensive scar formation, and number two, it can cause an altered pigmentation across your scalp. So, for the first 6 months, after the hair transplant surgery if you’re going to be under direct sunlight for a longer period of time (having sunbathing, walking under direct sunlight and etc.) please use a hat, cap, or sunscreen with an SPF of 30 to 50.

If you want to sunbathe, avoid it for the first 4 weeks after the surgery.

Can I Go to Work After Hair Transplant? 

It depends on the type of job. If it is an office job, you can return to it 3-5 days after the surgery. If you work outdoors and have to put in a lot of effort, avoid them for the first 14 days.

Can I Travel After the Procedure? 

You can travel, there are no restrictions about that. Just be careful about your recipient area, do not touch and do not hit your head anywhere.

Will I Need To Visit the Clinic After the Procedure?

Unless there is an emergency, you do not need to visit the Smile Clinic. Your case manager and doctors will follow your whole process. You should send your photos of the transplanted area for the Smile team to check your healing process. You can always get in contact with your case manager if you happen to have some considerations after your surgery.

What Should I Do If My Swelling Progresses? 

Do not worry about your swelling progressing. Cold compressions for 10 minutes every 1 hour will help you out alongside a gentle massage to relieve your swelling.

When Can I Start Drinking Tea or Coffee? 

You can have beverages with caffeine inside even on the day of surgery. But we advise avoiding it on the day of surgery because caffeine can cause some dilation of blood vessels that may lead to more bleeding. You can start having tea or coffee safely the next day after the surgery.

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