Best Hair Transplant

The Best Hair Transplant

Best Hair TransplantWhen you research a hair transplant operation online, you will see that many clinics claim that they are the ones performing the best FUE.

Therefore, what is the basis for this claim? How can they be so sure of themselves? Is it true what they say? Can they offer you this? For the best possible operation, let’s examine the details you need to consider.

Is a Hair Transplant Operation a Simple Procedure?

Hair transplantation is a surgical procedure. No surgical procedure is simple. Therefore, it is necessary to decide by considering many factors while choosing. You and your clinic should know that the procedure requires a very serious approach for the best FUE operation.

Before the procedure, consider your medical history.

Before FUE hair transplantation, you should talk to your surgeon and share your medical history, history of drug allergies, and medications you use for hair loss or other medical conditions.

If necessary, your doctor may ask you to stop taking some of these medications. In some diseases, the operation may be delayed, or the approval of the doctor who is responsible for your treatment may be requested.

How do I choose the right clinic to get the hair in my dreams?

When choosing a clinic for a hair transplant operation, you should make sure that you choose a clinic with professional physicians in this field.

Do not hesitate to ask questions about doctors at the clinics you contact. It will be a good reference for you to become a member of world-renowned associations and follow medical developments.

The reviews of the patients on online platforms always guide you. Doing your research well allows you to understand whether you can attain the desired result! Moreover, seeing the results of patients who have received service before you in this clinic and have similar hair loss is always good.

Number of grafts and the best hair transplant operation  

Most people think the number of grafts is the most crucial factor in hair transplantation. They are mistaken that the higher the graft number, the better the result.

The number of grafts that can be taken with the FUE method depends on the density of the hair in the donor area and the surface width of the donor area. Please remember that the transplantation area is also wide in connection with the skull ratio of a person with a large donor area.

In summary, it is possible to reach the same or more frequent density in a smaller area with a lower number of grafts compared to a higher number of grafts.

Hair transplantation is performed for aesthetic appearance, and the post-treatment image of the donor area is also very important. Frequent removal may damage the appearance of the donor area to obtain a high number of grafts, and you may feel regretful about having hair transplantation afterward.

If we ignore all other factors, choosing the clinic that says the number of grafts to be implanted is high, as in a competition, may be very misleading.

Graft quality

After the operation, you cannot see the result immediately. You must be patient. At this stage, you do not know whether the transplanted grafts survive or can be damaged and come out with a different structure than usual.

The percentage of graft damage during the extraction process should not exceed 5%. As this percentage increases, no matter how high the number is, the result will not please you. During the extraction process, the grafts should be carefully examined, and the number of damaged grafts should be kept as low as possible.

Another critical factor affecting graft survival and quality is the operation’s duration. If an experienced team completes the operation quickly and successfully, you can prepare for the best outcomes.


The answer to this question is why we had hair transplantation. In the age of digitalization and social media, our appearance becomes more prominent daily.

We adopt visual standards by looking at hundreds of photos every day, whether we like it or not. Looking as young and beautiful as possible has become a daily necessity for many people.

We all have dreams about ourselves. To achieve your dreams, you should find a clinic that will understand you and your dreams, prevent you from possible regrets by allowing you to revise your dreams when necessary, and do special planning for you! Moreover, it is essential to guide you toward this goal by not withholding support from you.

The best hair transplant operation is the one that meets your dreams and makes you smile when you look in the mirror. Even if the best surgeon performs the hair transplant surgery, it is a failure if it does not correspond to what you should have in mind.

Achieving this can be possible by realizing every step in the process and paying attention to all details.

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