Covid-19- FUE

Covid-19 and Hair Transplantation

Covid 19 and Hair Transplantation, millions of people worldwide have had hair transplant surgeries for the last 15 years. These people mostly prefer to travel to other countries for a hair transplant.

Due to the coronavirus-induced Covid 19 pandemic, which spread worldwide in February-March 2020, there was a severe decrease in the number of patients in the medical tourism and hair transplantation sectors.

Thanks to the vaccination in 2021, the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on people significantly reduced. A substantial number of people saw this period as an opportunity and started to travel again for the operations they had wanted for years.

Covid-19 pandemic and vaccine

If the Covid-19 virus is wiped off the face of the earth one day. Vaccinated people are much less likely to get infected and transmit the disease. In combating the Covid-19 pandemic, Turkey has completed the Covid-19 vaccination of all healthcare professionals working in public and private health institutions.

Is Air Travel safe in the Covid-19 pandemic?

The fact that airplanes are seen as closed boxes from the outside raises questions about whether it is safe to travel by plane in this period. The air inside the airplanes is renewed on average every 3 minutes.

The fresh air directed vertically from the ceiling is sucked from the floor, thus preventing the circulation of the air inside the aircraft. Half of the remaining half of the air is expelled directly and is directed to the HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air filter) filters.

HEPA filters were first developed for gas masks in the Second World War. In the following years, the number of pathogens in the operating room air has been proven to be associated with postoperative infections and has become a standard for operating rooms. HEPA filters eliminate 99.97% of viruses and bacteria in aircraft air.

Research conducted in 2017 proved that in airplanes, people- even those who do not wear masks- are unlikely to catch a viral infection such as influenza from a passenger sitting 2 seats away from them.

Will I face any problems while entering Turkey during the Covid 19 pandemic?

A document that shows you have been vaccinated at most 72 hours before entering Turkey is sufficient. If the specified documents are presented, you will not face any problems entering Turkey.

Turkey and “SAFE TOURISM” application

Is it safe to travel to Turkey?

Every year, millions of tourists visit Turkey due to the unique beauty of the Mediterranean and Aegean coasts and its heritage based on thousands of years of civilizations on its lands.

Along with the pandemic, the Ministry of Tourism and the Ministry of Health came together. They implemented the “Safe Tourism” application to keep tourism alive and protect the health of their people and those who want to visit the country.

Accordingly, airports, accommodation facilities, restaurants, and tour vehicles have been subject to certifications specially prepared for them, and these certifications have been made compulsory in the businesses that provide service.

The state has given everyone a code (HES) regarding disease follow-up in Turkey. This code includes not only whether people are infected but also whether they have contact with an infected person. This code is checked when entering indoor areas, and risky people are not allowed to enter indoor areas.

Every passenger arriving at the airports is monitored with thermal cameras, and people with increased body temperature are isolated and examined to see whether they pose any risk. Besides, continuous cleaning, disinfection, and hygiene minimize the risk of infection that can pass through the surfaces.

Wearing a protective mask is mandatory at airports and all other indoor & outdoor areas. Printed instructions have been placed on the surfaces to maintain social distance.

The hotel staff has been trained on Covid-19 infection and transmission management. The regular cleaning of the rooms with disinfectants with clinical effectiveness has been accepted as mandatory. After a guest has vacated the room, it is standard to ventilate and leave it empty for a particular duration.

What is a Covid-19 Safe Clinic?

With the spread of the pandemic, various security protocols have been written to prevent the spread of Covid-19 infection worldwide and to create areas where this disease cannot enter. Covid-19 safe clinics are the clinics where these protocols are strictly followed.

Weekly meetings are held in these clinics to change practices, and the necessary strategies to prevent infection are determined and followed up. Everyone who comes through the facility door will have their temperature taken. It is mandatory to wear a mask at every stage in the clinic.

Maximum attention is paid to social distance, and unnecessary personal contact are prohibited. If there should be physical contact with a person, it is obligatory to wear medical gloves.

Information about the health of themselves and their close relatives is obtained from each incoming patient, and doctors evaluate these in terms of covid-19 infection.

The team performing the procedure uses appropriate personal protective equipment to protect their health and the health of the upcoming patient. Maximum attention is paid to the hygiene and disinfection of the clinic. Both medical and administrative staff working in the clinic gets the covid-19 PCR test regularly.

Choosing a clinic, which you trust is “Covid-19 safe” for the hair transplant operation, will protect you against infection.

Does Covid-19 infection affect my transplanted hair?

Does Covid-19 infection cause hair loss?

In the light of current information, it is unlikely that the Covid-19 infection will permanently damage your recently transplanted hair or transplanted 6-24 months ago. In previous years, temporary hair loss could be detected in people recovering from high fever or a severe illness.

High fever and the stress due to Covid-19 infection can cause temporary hair loss, and this is because the hair goes into the resting phase in its normal life cycle.

Smile Hair Clinic is a Covid-19 safe clinic

At Smile Hair Clinic, we have taken all the necessary precautions, at the highest level, since the day we were established. Our team regularly receives the necessary training to prevent not only Covid-19 but also all other infections.

The body temperature of our staff and our patients is measured every morning. Our patients are first asked to fill out a form for Covid-19 infection, and our doctors evaluate this form to avoid preventable diseases.

It is mandatory to wear medical protective masks for our staff and patients in your clinic. There is absolutely no personal contact without medical gloves.

Apart from the routine hygiene of our rooms, disinfectants with proven effectiveness in Covid infection caused by coronavirus are also used.

You walk into our rooms, carefully cleaned and sterilized for you, with peace of mind as if you were the first to enter. Our renewed ventilation system ensures the constant exchange of air in the room.

At Smile Hair Clinic, we are aware of the importance of our patients and our health, and we pay due attention to the use of personal protective equipment and routine health screenings of our staff.

We are aware that the times we live in are challenging and overwhelming for all humanity. As We at Smile Hair Clinic do our part and ensure your Transformation into a True Gentleman with minimum risk in these trying times.

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