DHI Vs. FUE ( Graft Insertion Techniques)
Graft placement techniques can be divided into different categories: making the incisions first, stick and place, and graft insertion using an implanter (DHI).
Unfortunately, there is a misused word FUE ( Follicular Unit Extraction – or new name Follicular Unit Excision), which is mainly an extraction technique which is performed for extraction of grafts from the donor area, here, we are going to explain Graft insertion techniques as DHI and Sapphire Technique. Please do not consider this type of comparisons by other clinics which is wrong terminology and technique.
Pre-made Incisions ( Microblade Sapphire FUE Technique ):
This technique, creates incisions on the Recipient side, with a microblade, and mostly Sapphire blade in Smile Hair Clinic. And grafts are placed into this pre-made incisions. We think this technique has many advantages over other graft insertion techniques because we can adjust the depth and direction of the canal, density and distribution.
A major concern of this technique, technicians who are implanting grafts into this Surgically created incisions, should know the skill of his surgeon, requires long training period together, and get used to inserting graft gently without any trauma. Also, this kind of grafting should be done immediately and adequately since incisions are left open, and it may lead to popping or narrowed canals.

Stick and Place
This method is not a preferred method in Smile Hair clinic because we think that it increases the time of operation with higher graft numbers as Mega sessions. It has advantages as less bleeding, no missed sites, and less popping, but we think both incisions and graft insertion should be done with coordination, and it increases the critical speed of operation. This process is repeated until all the grafts are placed.
This technic is some kind of Stick and Place. Therefore the same advantages can be explained as less bleeding, no missed sites. A graft is inserted with the aid of a special pen-like mechanical device ( named or used as Choi implanter, DHI, pen implanter), Surgeons assistants should load pen quickly, no time gap for bleeding during implantation, less trauma to graft or left empty.
Seems very accurate but in our opinion, there are some criteria that should be evaluated and discussed. If the patient needs fewer grafts, and if he has pre-existing hair, just for some particular areas, it should be considered to be done without shaving.
On the other hand, if the patient has more miniaturized pre-existing hair, a less experienced or careful surgeon might damage existing hairs during implantation because speed prevents him from checking accurately.
In microblade ( Sapphire FUE), this can be prevented easily so density can be achieved by protecting existing hairs which are essential for result in the future.
Loading is also another important skill which is carried by technicians, it should be properly loaded, not to damage graft by implanting, and right graft distribution should be chosen for natural results. The surgeon should have an eye on his technicians. Otherwise, it may give irreversible damage to grafts. Need a significantly longer learning curve.
Our team performs all of the above graft insertion tecniques in Smile Hair Clinic, depending on patients condition and hairloss type.