Differences Between FUT and FUE Hair Transplant

For those suffering from hair loss, hair transplants can offer a successful solution that has soared in popularity over the last two decades. Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) are the most frequently practised techniques. While both procedures yield great results, the techniques, recovery time, and results differ. By knowing these differences, the patient can be guided to choose a treatment suited to his/her hair type, lifestyle and expectations.

What is Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT)?

FUT, or follicular unit transplantation (more commonly known as the strip method), involves taking a small piece of tissue from the donor elastic plane, usually located at the back of the scalp. The hair follicles are then carefully dissected via microscope and placed into the receiving area.

Advantages of FUT:

Many grafts are harvested in one session for curly hair: FUT usually allows a very high number of grafts for people with curly hair (African-textured hair). Since the FUE punches are linear, it is impossible to reach a graft number as high as FUT.

Maintenance of Donor Region: The settled donor area is still unaffected because the hair is taken from a strip.

Cost-Effectiveness: FUT is generally less expensive than FUE, as the procedure takes a shorter time to complete in Western countries. Destinations that offer all-inclusive packages (fixed price regardless of graft numbers), like Turkey, have the same pricing for both methods.

Limitations of FUT:

Linear Scar: The procedure requires a linear incision at the donor site, which may be visible if the patient wishes to have terse hairstyles. This leads to a more extended recovery than FUE, as the cut needs stitches.

After FUT, patients have a scar on the back that resembles a smiley emoji if they have thinning in the future or decide to cut their hair short.

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE): What is it?

FUE means removing individual hair follicles directly from the donor area with a micro-punch tool. These follicles are transplanted into the required zone through a tiny pinhole without linear stitching.

Advantages of FUE:

Little Scars: The scars left by the tiny micro-punch tool used for extraction are dot-like and heal more quickly.

Flexibility in the Donor Area: FUE enables harvesting from non-scalp areas such as the chest or beard if required, which is called a body hair transplant. But do not be mistaken for a hair transplant; it can not be done using only body hair.

Quick Healing Time: FUE surgery is a minimally invasive procedure, and the recovery time taken by the patient after undergoing this surgery is also significantly lower, with minimal post-operative pain.

Limitations of FUE:

Requires More Time: Harvesting each follicle one by one takes longer, so the FUE process is longer than FUT work for the inexperienced.

Restrained Number of Grafts: If your surgeon is experienced in FUE, the number of grafts you harvest in one clinic visit is often less than that of FUT. Choosing your clinic and surgeon wisely will give you approximately the same grafts.

How To Choose Which Type Of Hair Each Technique Is Best For?


If a person has thick hair density in the donor area, he is the best candidate for FUT because its graft yield is maximum, and the scar left can be hidden under the remaining hair.

FUT is suitable for patients wishing to wear long hair as it covers the linear scar.

Curly Hair: FUTs real magick gives the same graft numbers for patients whose hair coils under the skin (African Type Hair).

Heavy Hair Loss With Curly Hair: For those with curly hair who are incredibly bald, the number of grafts needed to cover up might be so high that FUT is, again, the procedure of choice.


Sparse Donor Area: Because the FUE technique removes follicles one by one from the scalp, leaving surrounding hair intact, it’s better for people with thin donor areas. An experienced surgeon can extract more hair from a sparse donor area with FUE than FUT.

Buzz cuts: Pencil-thin FUE scarring is primarily invisible (looks like a white dot as half of the rice) and easy to hide, so it is easier to go from long to short hair with this style.

Non-Scalp Donor Hair: FUE provides bladeless extraction from areas other than the scalp, which is ideal for patients with limited donor supply on the scalp.

Homogenous Extraction: Since surgeons perform extractions from all over the safe donor zone, you do not lose density from a local zone.

Scar Comparison: FUT vs. FUE


Scar: FUT leaves a linear scar along the donor area, which will likely be seen when wearing a short or medium-length hairstyle.

Scar Width: It depends on the surgical skill, healing of the patient, and elasticity of the scalp. Scars are usually 1-2 mm wide. Proper medical aftercare is necessary; if you do not look good, the scar will be much more visible.

Scar Cover: Long hair can hide the scar. Hair tattooing or scalp micro pigmentation can also help blend it.


Scar Shape: FUE leaves small, dot-like scars across the donor area. Such scars are mostly invisible and become less prominent as time passes.

Wide Extraction Area: The scars are distributed over a wider area, which makes them less dense and more complex to see.

Scar Effacement: There is little scarring, and in general, they do not need any more concealment treatment.

Healing and Recovery Process


Recovery With FUT: The incision site that is sutured needs suture removal 10-14 days postop.

More downtime: Patients may experience more postop pain and tightness in the donor area. The surrounding area may take a few weeks (2-3 weeks) to feel more settled.

Return to Normal Activities: While you can often return to light activities within a week or 10 days, strenuous exercise should be avoided for a month.

Donor area: Full healing of the donor area can take months. It can take a couple of years for the scar to mature and become less noticeable.


Local Healing: Tinny puncture sites resolve 7–10 days with minor scaring.

Postop Comfort: FUE patients hardly ever have post-surgical pain. The donor area may appear slightly red and swollen for several days, but this does not require medical attention.

Normal Activities: Most people can return to non-strenuous activities in about 5-7 days and more vigorous activity in two weeks.

Full Recovery: Scarring in the donor region typically heals very well within one month and is nearly invisible after some time.

What to Look For When Choosing Between FUT and FUE

Extent of Hair Loss And Type, Texture:

FUT: Ideal for people who have curly hair and advanced baldness due to a higher graft yield.

FUE: Its graft yield per session is less than that of FUT if you do not choose an experienced clinic or surgeon. Hence, it is suitable for mild to moderate hair loss if you choose a surgeon who performs only 2 transplants in a week.

Some surgeons advocated FUT in the past because they believed that it could achieve a higher graft number. However, with the increased expertise of FUE surgeons, a higher graft number can now be achieved by FUE.

Hair Type and Density:

FUT: Suitable for patients with dense donor areas and curly hair.

FUE is best for all patients with sparse donor areas or who require hair from non-scalp donor locations.


FUT: It is not ideal for someone who regularly wears short hair because of the linear scar.

FUE is the way to go for an active lifestyle and short hair.


FUT: It is performed in some destinations, where they charge per graft, which is very expensive for the patient, especially for large-scale operations.

FUE: This procedure is typically done in top destinations like Turkey, where clinics offer all-inclusive packages that cost one-fourth of the price you would pay in the United States, United Kingdom, or Canada. During the surgery, you will not be asked if you want 300 grafts more.

Time Available for Recovery:

FUT: More rest and healing time are a must.

FUE: The Recovery is much quicker and boasts less downtime in everyday life.

Why do I See Western Countries Promoting FUT in Recent Years?

Hair Transplants are a vast market, and there are clinics worldwide. In recent years, some of the most influential figures who perform hair transplants in Western countries started a campaign against Turkish hair transplant clinics since İstanbul became the capital of hair transplant in the last decade. In their annual meetings, they made unique panels to convince people not to have a hair transplant in Turkey. One of the solutions was promoting FUT or Hybrid Hair Transplants (FUT and FUE at the same session), so that is why FUT has been promoted so much in Western countries because in Turkey %99 of clinics perform FUE only.

Another solution was tailor-made news by journalists who disguised themselves as patients and carried a hidden camera with them. They visited the cheapest clinics in the market to reach their goal.

It is not hard to see why everybody is still flying to Turkey to have their hair transplants. The results of the Turkish Hair Transplant industry speak for themselves.

Both FUT and FUE hair transplant techniques have benefits and limitations. The decision between the two depends on several factors, such as hair loss type, individual preference, and lifestyle.

Go for FUT if you are okay with a scar which can be exposed in the coming years as a Smiley Face in the future due to the thinning of your donor area with age.

Opt for the FUE method if you want less scarring, faster recovery time, and want to be able to wear shorter hairstyles and pay ¼ or 1/5 of the price and get a much better result.

A consultation with an experienced surgeon is always the best way to assess which technique will suit you. Keep in mind that the method is only one factor; the most important factor is how experienced the surgeon is in performing the hair restoration procedure.

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