Yes! According to the Turkish laws we have a very strict rules for the patient privacy. Unless the patient gives his or her permission, we do not share any pictures of the patient before surgery after the surgery on any social media or websites

Turkey is in crossroads of Asia and Europe. It's a huge hub located in one of the busiest areas of the world. Also, quality of the job affordable prices make it very attractive for the patients who look for the affordable and quality hair transplant procedures.

Turkey is one of the leader country now in the hair transplantation market. It happens within 10 years. But before that, not only Turkey, all around the world there were not so many clinics that were doing the transplantations. When there is more competition, it's free trade economy that brings the prices to go lower. In Turkey within 5 years, 10 years in time there were many new clinics occurred. Most of the doctors from the state hospitals or public work they become in the liberal and they open their hair clinics. It brings the market to lower the prices because of the competition. It doesn't mean the cheaper transplant doesn't work. It depends on the clinic's experience about that. If the clinic has a good experience seeing thousands of patients around the world. What's changed within time is not the technique. The experience is changed for us. For myself i'm seeing thousands of patients all around the world from America to the Australia. I'm seeing different ethnic backgrounds different face types, different hair techniques so that gives me to do the right transplantation. This market is becoming lower prices it's just because of the competition.

In a general or daily basis when we do the extraction and do an FUE procedure we have the chance to separate all the good grafts; classify them according to the number of the folders they have and use them appropriately in the specific areas of the scalp. This good planning and classification of the graphs gives us a higher chance to implant them properly and with the higher rates of success.

The hair transfer surgeries are performed with the qualified medical professionals or the profession with the medical background. It can be physicians or doctors and surgical assistants who have a degree in any field of medical specialities like nurses, anesthesia technicians, paramedics or operating room nurses.

People all around the world are our clients. People who think that they will look better with hair transplant or want to have some more hair are our clients. Our clients are 90% from United Kingdom (UK) and Ireland right now. We started increasing numbers from States (USA) and Canada; we are still getting high number of patients from the other European countries.

Hair transplantation techniques are different according to patients condition. In some patients, we prefer to do the Sapphire Microblade Technique which is more suitable. in some patients we prefer DHI. Both techniques are done in our clinic about implantation technique. But for extraction we are using only FUE which is called Folliculer Unit Exicision. After the follicles are extracted, it should be implanted in two different ways: One is, we do the incisions first, then we implant the grafts inside those incisions that we created. In the other method, DHI. DHI is a pen method that the graphs are inserted in a pen and implanted in the same time in the doing in the incisions. Which is better it depends on patients' need. In some patients, DHI superior and we are choosing it. In some patients we are using the Sapphire Technique in DHI. I'm mostly using this technique for the female patients orif the patients need inner particle area with non-shaven method. But in the Sapphire technique, i think it's my daily practice which i find better and superior to the other technique to arrange the angle direction and the incision density during my operations.

Istanbul, Turkey is the capital of the hair transplant for the last decade. Every year over 1 million men travel to Istanbul just to have their hair transplants. So you can consider that Istanbul is the best destination for the hair transplant right now because you will pay much more less than you should pay in Europe and United States (U.S) and Canada. On the other hand, you will have a much more better result after two years.

Both surgical techniques, FUT or nowadays is called FUSS Follicular Unit Strip surgery; or FUE is a suitable technique for the blood transfer surgery nowadays more than 90% of the beard transplant are performed via an FUE.

Sapphire FUE technique is a type of FUE during which a sapphire microblade is used to create a recipient site in all incisions or channels.

The prices vary across the clinics widely. But what we can see on online or through the internet sites or from the experience of the patients that have done or performed the surgeries before in other clinics, it ranges from around four and a half up to the fifteen to twenty thousand pounds.

Limited donor area is the term used to describe an insufficient or weak donor zone . There can be many reasons for this one. Did the patient have the previous surgery? Are there any big scars at the back side of the head? or Did the hair loss proceeded into the donor area creating a kind of horseshoe outlook at the back side of the head? Is the hair thin or thick? These are all the factors that describe the quality of the donor area.

ISHRS stands for International Society for Hair Restoration Surgery. It's society that unites the hair transplant surgeons and hair transplant professionals from all over the world. Being the fellow or an associate member or member of ISHRS means high standards of quality ethics and professional approach please pay attention that your surgeons or surgical teams are members fellows or at least associate members of ISHRS.

There are many researches ongoing about the hair loss treatments and techniques. Nowadays FDA approves only three types of the treatment for the hair loss. Number one it's a medical treatment two medications are approved: it's minoxil or finasteride. There are two surgical techniques an FUE of follicular unit extraction or an FUT sometimes called FUSS like Follicular Unit Strip Surgery and there are also a physical device called "Triple LT" , low light laser treatment for the hair loss.

Just like in any other questions we have mentioned before, it's very individual. But there are average numbers good density is when 40 to 60 incisions per cm square is done. Medium density is 30 to 40 and low lens is 20 to 30 incisions per cm square. There is a very big misconception. When the patient thinks that the high density incisions implantation, you have the better is the result. There is one point here! The more incisions you do there is a high chance that we can damage the vasculature or blood vessels underneath the skin. So the blood flow to the grafts will be diminished and the surroundings go down. The good technique here is appropriate density good angle of the direction and their depth.

Body Hair Transplant is when, as a donor side, we use other parts of the body except the back side of the head, it can be the beard region, it can be the chest region. Some clinics offer the extraction from the legs or arms.

Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease when your naive or innate immune cells attack the hair follicles. It causes the recession of the hair follicle, inflammation and regression.

Beard Transplant is transferring hair from a person's donor zone to the face. If you do not have beard or some parts of your beard is missing, we can fix it by transferring some hair. After a couple of months, they adapt to the face. People really cannot understand that you had a beard transplant. The most important thing here is to implant only singular hair. If you implant multiple hair on the face the result will look fake and people can easily understand that you had a hair transplant.

For existing hair, we want to keep them during the surgery because even we take most of the grafts from the donor area; if if we protect the existing hair and if we just increase the cumulative thickness in the recipient side, that's a a positive thing for the patient because for the reserve and future he may need another transplantation. So it will be a more conservative approach. We want to keep the existing hair. We are using extra magnifiers for identifying the existing hair and we want to protect them. Sometimes, in some conditions, if it's baby hair or it is terminal hair, it could be implanted over it but otherwise we just want to do the implantation with keeping the existing hair.

The most common cause for the males to become bold is due to the phenomenon called under genetic alopecia. But other types of the hair loss can also be seen alopecia areata, scatricio alopecia or some chronic medical conditions or medical treatments the males get.

Depending on the stage and type of heroes you have there can be a medical treatment for the hair loss as well. For example, under genetic alopecia there is a minoxidil and finasteride treatment. For other autoimmune diseases there can be other treatment plans. Or if you are undergoing a chemo or radiotherapy we have to wait for the end of these treatments and wait for the recovery of the hair follicles.

Stuff in smile hair clinic is full-time employees. If we are working as a team here. Not only the doctor the surgical assistants also so all together we are giving the right technique. And right transplantation to the patient as a result so we have we need to know each other for a long time, we need to do several patients and several techniques that gives the full full thing to the patient because whatever i do my team should understand me and should know whatever I expect with the patient's operation so it's this is the must in every clinic.

No there are only surgical techniques of the hair transplantation.

The only thing that gives us a good outcome of the surgery is good preparation and planning of the surgery. The better you prepare for the surgery the better you evaluate the patients; put all the pros and cons weight them and decide for the surgery the high is the chance of the successful surgery.

Hair transplants are mostly permanent and the transplanted hairs will not affect it by any future hair loss. But sometimes, in order to extract more numbers, we normally extract the graphs from the saved on our area but sometimes in order to get more numbers, we extend the donor area a little bit more to get more numbers. Out of safety on our area grafts are usually if there is a receding in the future it may be lost within within time. But usually we use those hairs in the front layer lines and if the patient has a receding it will be resulted as naturally receding hairline. So yes we it's permanent but in some conditions it's not permanent and it's temporary.

Hair transplantation is one of the solutions of the hair loss problems. If the patient's condition is more bold areas in his recipient side and it should be restored. Yes, the hair transplantation is only the thing that you can just go for that.But if the patient's conditioned with the existing hair are thin, it's diffuse thinning. There is no space that we can do the hair transplantation then patients should seek for a medical treatment before the surgery. But if there are gaps, if there are some areas that the transplantation could be done so transplantation and medical treatment should be used by patients in order to have a good result in the future.

The best technique for the hair transfer surgery is the method that fits your needs is the best. There isn't one single best option. Robotic hair transfer surgery has some advantage. Fue have some advantage and FUT has its own advantage or disadvantage. So it should be decided individually with your doctor or head transfer surgeon. Of course in some aspects robotic hair transfer surgery can have some pros like maybe a shorter period of time and more precise extraction. But the very experienced team we get the same results with the classic FUE method.

Yes and this is called the revision head transfer surgery. Around 10 to 18& of our patients are the patients who have undergone a surgery in other clinics and are not satisfied with the results.We perform the procedure called the revision head transfer surgery. There are some points we take into consideration. When planning these procedures, we have to fix a little bit, all the the aspect that the patient doesn't like from the previous surgery and get him to the point where you want to be so the specific the revision surgeries should be done with a very experienced team.

The answer is yes. Because we take the hair from back side of the hair and we get it randomly and evenly. So the out of the donor area after the extraction looks even. The color of the transplanted hair will be exactly the same that we get from the donor area. If it's white color it will be the white if it's the color of your original hair it will be that color.

Wİth the very simple words hair transplantation is relocating hair from back side of your head. We call the donor area or safe donor area to the open areas in the recipient zone or the areas where you have the hair loss.

Hair loss should be consulted by a dermatologist or a hair transplant surgeon before deciding a hair transplantation surgery. In order to accept patient for hair transplantation, we want it's becoming more stable so there are some things that we have to evaluate the patient's condition, to understand the underlying causes and give the right treatment just before the surgery and when it's stable there is no hair loss then we can do for the hair transplantation.

You can go online and check some pages online and see the other form of patients experience, you can see the results and sometimes there are forms that you can connect with them and see how the clinic is doing its job. So you can easily find your way and navigate and please be sure that the clinic you will go is run by doctors not only technicians.

Yes 100%! you should have your surgery in the places or clinics where the real doctors real nurses and surgical assistants work. Pay attention to that you won't be in the black market clinics and have the surgery there! Because the outcomes of the surgeries are not that really good and you have a higher chances of the failure of the hair transfer surgery.

Hair transplantation leaves scars in idonor area. But , in recipient site we do not expect scars because it's surgical incisions but according to the donor areas extraction in some approach with higher numbers that may lead more scars. But if it is very done well, it may leave very minimal scars but it will be not so noticeable with naked eye.

If you have your hair transplant in an experienced clinic, it will absolutely look natural. There are some factors that the hair transplant team considers to give you the best natural look that you can have. So not implanting the multiple roots in the front and give the natural direction of the hair will ensure that you will have natural look after the transplant.

Eyebrow transplants is one of the best solutions if a person lost existing eyebrows is much better than and is much better and efficient than the statues and it gives a much more natural look.

Patients should inform the doctors or clinic just before the hair transplantation about their chronic diseases. For some diseases, we should know if it is interfered with the hair loss problems with its chronic disease even its progress or sometimes diabetic patients or cardiovascular patients. We should know in advance about patients using some medications or if they have a chronic disease with a hair loss problem so we should be notified before the surgery about that and you should also consult your own doctor about if you should go to hair transplant surgery.

It's also called the body hair transplant. For the body hair transplant, we use the grafts or hair focus from outside the donor zone areas like beard, chest, arm or leg. In our clinic, we do not perform an arm or leg hair extraction. There are some clinics that perform it but their success rates are not that very high.

A hair transplant is an organ transplantation like kidney like heart liver transplantation or cornea transplantation. But of course those transplantations are different than the hair transplantation. Because they are more vital so after those organ transplants we usually use immune suppressive agents fo just pressing on the immune system for white for vitality. But, for hair transplant it's a cosmetic surgery so it's not necessary to do some some kind of thing and so it could not be considered as a another organ transplantation from someone but in other organ transplants it is done widely.

Yes you can. But there is one huge point here! Your diabetes should be under control and your glycemic index called hemoglobin a1c should be below 7.2 percent.

No it cannot be. Because your body will react with the immune response and you will have a wide variety of problems over the skin of the head. It's not healthy and it's very dangerous for general health.

There is a very big misconception that when the patient think that dietary restrictions or some other aspects is the main reason of the hair loss. It's not that very correct. Most of the time, the main reason of the hair loss in males is androgenetic alopecia; in females it's different. Of course, a deficiency of some like vitamins minerals can make you more prone to losing your hair. We specifically see it in females but we can also see it in males. Specifically some thyroid diseases, iron deficiency anemias, folic acid, vitamin D deficiencies can cause a hair loss. But to decide it whether it's a dietary reason for the hair loss when you need to run some blood tests to find it out.

if you have a white hair and ask us will the transplanted hair will be white as well the answer is yes because we take the hair from back side of the hair and we get it randomly and evenly so the out of the donor area after the extraction looks even the color of the transplanted hair will be exactly the same that we get from the donor area if it's white color it will be the white if it's the color of your original hair it will be that color

No, you shouldn't. The best hair transplant surgery is the surgery that is performed with the proper technique that fits your needs, and the surgeon or the clinic, you trust yourself.

To be eligible for hair transplant surgery, you should be about the age of 18 and below the age of 60. In some clinics, they can get it after the age of 65 and above. But the decision is given individually. And the next important role is not the age, it is the degree or extent of the hair loss the patient has.

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