Moustache Transplant

Mustache Transplantation

Moustache Transplant; Since mustaches have a vital function in men’s appearance as a symbol of masculinity, gentleness, and virility, mustache hair transplant is a trendy topic these days. Due to hormonal imbalances, genetics, scarring, inflammations, and infections, many men suffer from spotty and patchy mustaches.

Because of that, they tend to feel less confident. As a result, so many men have started to investigate whether a mustache hair transplant is achievable or not. It is achievable! The procedure of mustache transplantation has barely any dissimilarities from a hair transplant.

On the other hand, a mustache transplant should be a more delicate and sophisticated procedure since it is carried on the facial area. Therefore, careful work must be done to avoid unfavorable results. 

Process of Mustache Transplantation

Since a good-looking mustache demonstrates men’s masculinity and gentle look, having a sparse mustache is not a pleasant situation. Just like experiencing hair loss, a sparse mustache has a significant impact on men’s psychology while ruining their physical appearance.

As a symbol of aesthetics, mustache transplantation helps to gain a charismatic look on men’s faces. At Smile Hair Clinic, every day, we encounter so many patients experiencing hair loss in various areas; and after the successful results, our patients claim how dreadful the situation was before; they tend to reveal the truth about how they were feeling while trying to live with the look which they never wanted. 

Improved a good deal so far in the field of hair transplantation by following the latest technology. Smile Hair Clinic provides its patients with facial transplantation as well.

To avoid an undesirable appearance and gain you a gentle mustache, our clinic, as always, starts with the analysis of your upper lip area, where the transformation will happen, and the donor area. The donor area is usually the neck. With the help of the FUE technique, the hair will be extracted and implanted in the recipient area. 

Depending on the sparseness of the mustache area, 300 to 500 hair follicles are required, and a mustache transplant usually takes 2-3 hours.

Before and After Mustache Hair Transplant

It is vital to follow some necessary steps to get successful mustache transplantation. 

  • Smoking and consumption of alcohol before and after your surgery is not good at all. 

Since cigarettes include nicotine, which can constrict blood vessels and reduce blood flow to the scalp, nicotine consumption harms your operation process and healing phase.

 It is more difficult for the body to recover after an incision if you smoke; anything that contains nicotine prevents oxygen from getting through your blood.

 Alcohol might damage the functions of the anesthetic medications used during the surgery. It increases bleeding and bruising; consumption of alcohol must be avoided at least one week before hair transplant surgery. 

  • If you have chronic diseases and are using any medication, confirm with your doctor about it. It is also significant to inform your doctor about your drug allergies. These are the essentials that might affect your surgery.
  •  Before the operation, wear clothes with zippers or buttons; taking them off is easy to protect your transplanted area. Remember, it is okay to have breakfast but light one on the procedure day. 

Complications Patients May Encounter

Mustache hair transplant is a much more sensitive operation than other hair transplantation procedures. However, the healing phase of mustache hair transplant is more rapid; in 8-10 months, patients will be recovered entirely without severe complications. 

After a mustache hair transplant, be aware of some physical reactions that your body demonstrates and do not worry about them. The patient can encounter bleeding in the transplanted area; it leaves red spots on the mustache area. Luckily, red dots will not be with the patient for a long time; they will vanish after a few days.

Swelling on the upper lip is another side effect of the procedure. The patient might have difficulties eating meals due to the swelling. However, it is not an ordinary situation; you will get over it soon!

The patient encounters crusting on the upper lift and may feel itchy. It is better not to rub and scratch the transplanted area. In a week, crusting and itching will fade away. Renewal of the patient’s skin and hair follicles starts afterward. 

To protect your mustache area, it is recommended to watch out for your movements; avoid sudden actions. Remember that your mustache hair follicles can get damaged, which leads the patient to an unsuccessful result of mustache hair transplantation. 

One month following the surgery, the patient may undergo shock loss. However, the post-operative process can vary from person to person since everyone has a unique body system. Hair shedding signals that brand new hair is about to come out. So, shock-loss is a normal phase for patients. 

What Are the Causes of Mustache Loss?

Mustache hair loss can be caused by various factors, including illness, trauma, and hormonal imbalance. 

  • Hair loss is a well-known adverse effect of cancer treatments due to exposure to radiation and chemotherapy. During the treatment, mustache hair and the hair in different areas can fall out. 
  • Alopecia areata Universalis, an auto-immune disease, can also cause hair loss in the different parts of your body, including a mustache. Alopecia areata Universalis can lead to hair loss when your immune system fights itself and deactivates working hair follicles, resulting in hair loss.
  • If a man has hypogonadism ( low testosterone), he might suffer from mustache hair loss or other facial hair loss. 
  • Mustache sores derived from parasites, bacteria, fungi, and ingrown hair is also another reason for a patchy mustache.
  • Known as a tinea infection, ringworm disease is a fungal infection of skin, hair, and hair follicles. If you have itching and red circles around your mustache or beard, you are likely to have a sparse mustache.
  • Psoriasis is another disease that affects the roots of the mustache and beard. Lip hair follicles can be severely destroyed in some circumstances if you are experiencing Psoriasis. 
  • Inflammations and infections can also cause hair loss on the mustache. And the presence of a large number of pimples may have a harmful impact on hair roots as well.
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