Turkish Hairlines: Transplantation

Turkish Hairlines: A Hair Transplant Story

When it comes to hair transplantation, Turkey is the first country people think about. People all over the world visiting Turkey for the best hair transplant operation. This situation gets the all attention of so many people and Turkey have made a “fame” thanks to its success in health tourism. Thanks to Turkey’s development in health tourism, Istanbul has become the center of so many clinics performing, particularly, hair transplantation. It is very usual to see people with transplanted scalp walking around the city and airports. This situation has become a “subject” on social media. Turkish Hairlines catchphrase goes so viral. People have started to share hillarious post about hair transplantation health tourism in Turkey. 

The Solution is Hair Transplant

 In today’s world, baldness is not anyone’s destiny because hair transplantation is real. Besides, people know where to go for the best hair transplant! Turkey, which is considered as a Turkish Hairlines, has really the best clinics, doctors who are experinced in this field and have become expert, a good technology Turkey is one of the hottest places to go for a hair transplant. It is a fact that Turkey has already become a center for health tourism, especially in the field of hair transplantation.

Turkey, located between Europe and Asia, hosts over 20,000 people worldwide for hair treatment annually. Turkey is also known for its luxury hotels and competitive treatment packages. Those looking for the best place to have a hair transplant and the cheapest one! Besides, it is a country of many cultures mesmerizing its visitors! 

Por Los Pelos; A Hair Transplant Story

Por los Pelos, a Spanish movie narrating a common troublesome and tragic problem in a comic way, has just released on the 13th August in Spain! Produced by Warner Bros, directed by Nacho G. Velilla, Por Los Pelos, in English “Because of the Hair,” depicts state of minds of three friends dealing with hair loss; the movie make the audience share their hair transplant journey starting from Spain to Istanbul, Türkiye! The cover photo of the movie has already given the humor!

The catchphrase on it “Turkish Hairlines” inspired by Turkish Airlines, which is the flag holder of Turkey! Without a doubt, many of you have seen a lot of people flying back to their country with white bandages. Yes, they are the ones getting rid of the baldness! 

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