Unshaven Transplant

Unshaven Hair Transplant: A Secret Between You and Your Doctor

The unshaven hair transplant has become a source of happiness for lots of men and women. There was a common misconception. If you had a hair transplant, you had to shave your hair. For the majority of people, shaving their hair could become a major problem.

It is understandable if you do not want to cut your hair short for aesthetic concerns; or if you want to keep your hair transplant a secret. When these factors are taken into account, people suffering from hair thinning give up on the idea of undergoing a hair transplant operation. 

Fortunately, with the help of the unshaven hair transplant technique, the patients without losing their existing hair can have a successful unshaven Fue hair transplant.

Smile Hair Clinic provides a safe and successful unshaven hair transplant for those who are not eager to reveal the truth about their hair transplantation and are obsessed with their long hair.

If you are planning a no-shave hair transplantation procedure, the most important thing to consider is that the surgery will be carried out professionally and effectively. So, a successful unshaven hair transplant depends on the experiment of your doctor.

Since the hair transplant is a work of art demanding utmost care and skill, an unshaven hair transplant, a more challenging procedure than the traditional one, requires far more attention and expertise. 

Can Everyone Have Unshaven Hair Transplant?

Both men and women are eligible for a hair transplant. Unshaven hair transplants, which most people tend to have to keep the surgery private; or not shave their existing hair, are becoming increasingly favorable.

Furthermore, because it is more difficult for women to have completely shaved hair, an unshaven hair transplant is a far more popular option among females. 

Unshaved hair transplantation, on the other hand, is not for everyone. If you have severe hair loss, you will not be able to undergo a no-shave hair transplant operation. Intense hair loss demands a much higher number of transplants than normal.

Therefore, if the patient is experiencing intense hair loss, an unshaven hair transplant might not be helpful. It is good to check your hair to see if a no-shave hair transplant is right.

An ideal candidate for an unshaven hair transplant has mild hair loss. Because unshaven hair transplantation can only be done in a small number of grafts, it cannot benefit patients with extensive hair loss. 

An unshaven hair transplant procedure is the best to be applied for the surgery if a patient is suffering from hair-line receding or temple thinning.

Operation of Unshaven Hair Transplant

Unshaven FUE hair transplant, which is the preference of both men and women, is quite similar to the traditional FUE technique. The only difference is patients’ do not have to cut or shave their hair. It is possible to cover your donor and recipient area, and no one could find out that you have undergone hair transplantation.

The rest is the same. Your operation will start with checking your donor area and planning as always. When your doctor is done with your planning, he will apply anesthesia to your donor area for the extraction of your hair follicles.

Since hair will not be shaved, just a limited number of hair follicles are extracted. The incision of the grafts begins when the extraction stage is completed successfully. One by one, hair follicles will be inserted. 

Unshaven hair transplant is proven to be an entirely successful surgery for those in need of hair treatment. Although the unshaven FUE hair transplant operation technique is similar to traditional FUE, unshaven hair transplantation requires much more work because it is challenging to extract and incise hair follicles. In contrast, the patients’ hair is not shaved.

Requiring much more care and attention, the success of the unshaven operation depends on your doctor’s experience and skills. Smile Hair Clinic, following the latest technology and new developments to give its patients the best hair transplant results, is one of the sophisticated clinics performing unshaven FUE hair transplant in Turkey.

Smile Hair helps you to gain lost hair while giving a successful and smooth operation. Therefore, our clinic has been hosting lots of patients all around the world. Over 10.000 men have gotten natural-looking hair transplants so far.

One of the popular and favorable techniques of hair transplantation, unshaven hair transplant has become another success story for Smile Hair Clinic. 

Unshaven Hair Transplantation, After the Procedure 

3 Types of Unshaven Hair Transplantation

If a patient is experiencing considerable hair loss, s/he is not a good candidate for a fully unshaven procedure. As a result, several treatment options are done based on the patient’s hair loss.

1- Shaven Donor Site, Unshaven Recipient Site

If your recipient area is completely bald, your donor area will be shaved. 

2- Limited Shaven Donor Site

Only one or two short strands of hair are shaved in the donor area. Limited Shaven Donors help patients to hide their donor areas. Yet, the number of hair follicles (grafts) that can be extracted is limited. 

3- Fully Unshaven 

Although a fully unshaven procedure that allows patients to keep their existing hair helps patients to recover in a short time, it limits the graft numbers.

Pros of Unshaven Hair Transplant

  • You do not need to shave your hair, which is the best part of this technique for most patients. An unshaven hair transplant is a lifesaving if you do not feel comfortable with short hair and the operation scars after the procedure!
  • Unshaven FUE hair transplant provides you with natural-looking hair just like a regular FUE transplant. 
  • The patient will not get any prominent scars after an unshaven hair transplant. 
  • The healing phase of the patient is going to be completed in a short time after the unshaven hair transplant. So, you do not need to take a long rest staying home for days. Unshaven hair transplants do not interrupt your social life.

Cons of Unshaven Hair Transplant

  • The success of an unshaven hair transplant depends on your doctor. So, the patient should be sure of the clinic. You can search Smile’s website and Instagram to witness the successful stories. 
  • Unshaven hair transplant takes much longer than regular FUE transplants. The duration of the procedure depends on the number of grafts. That is why the patient should be patient during the surgery. 
  • Unshaven hair transplant cannot be applied to people with severe hair loss since they will require more grafts.
  • Bacterial growth may occur because of the unshaven hair, and the roots may get damaged due to bacteria and germs.

Unshaven Hair Transplant Turkey

In recent years, Turkey has been home to people from worldwide visiting our country to have the best hair transplant surgery. Hair loss, which affects both men and women for various causes, is now easily treatable because of advances in technology.

Smile Hair Clinic in İstanbul, Turkey, is one of the well-known clinics with the leading technology and a dedicated team. If you are looking for the best place to have an unshaven hair transplant in Turkey, you visit the right page.

Unshaven Hair Transplant Turkey is the most searched caption on the internet. Our clinic has succeeded in unshaven FUE hair transplant techniques just as in other FUE techniques. You can visit our Instagram to learn more about our clinic and witness the success stories of Smile! 

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