Unshaven Hair Transplants

Hair Transplants Without Shaving

Hair loss might be one of the most demoralizing aspects of your self-confidence. Thankfully, with the help of modern-day technology in hair transplant procedures, people now have ways of getting their hair back. Two favourite methods are Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT). FUE attracts many more people due to its less invasive nature, which does not end up a smiley at the back of your head. One FUE variation becoming more popular yearly is the unshaven hair transplant, or “no-shave” and “non-shaved” FUE.

Traditional FUE generally requires shaving the donor area when extracting hair follicles via a punch tool, but unshaven FUE makes it possible not to shave their scalp for transplantation. Many people find this idea very lovely, especially those who do not want to see the marks of a scalpel. But is everyone wise enough to opt for it, and where does it stand compared to shaven transplants for advantages, disadvantages, and post-transplant care?

Below, we provide an extensive overview of who can get hair transplants without shaving, the pros and cons of this method, whether shaven hair transplants yield better results than unshaven ones, and how to care for your scalp post-procedure.

Can Unshaven Hair Transplant Be Performed To Everyone?

Certain people are good candidates for unshaven FUE hair transplants. It is, however, only suitable for some. Unshaven FUE is usually recommended for the following types of candidates:

Discreet Procedures For Patients: The most significant advantage is reaching an invisible solution this way. Most people who have this procedure opt for it because they do not want to look surgical. It is best for people in jobs where looks matter or who do not want anybody to see they had a hair transplant.

Patients With Mild To Moderate Hair Loss: Unshaven hair transplants are well-suited for patients with mild to moderate baldness reasons. Patients who are extensively bald may not be the best candidates because more grafts would be required to cover a larger area of the head, and shaving is often necessary for optimum results with FUE. Unshaven Hair Transplants are an excellent option for someone with typically localized thinning, e.g., a hairline or crown.

Patients with longer hair often opt for unshaven procedures because they can mask donor and recipient areas. This makes for a much more natural look right after the transplant.

The higher charge for inconspicuousness: Unshaven FUE is more advanced and prolonged than customarily shaved procedures. Typically, patients are bothered more by not shaving pay for an unshaven FUE, and they also tend to go ahead and finish the entire graft count, which sometimes is a disproportionate payoff.

Candidates for FUE Over FUT: Some patients qualify for unshaven FUE, though FUT hair transplants (incisions lengthwise on the donor area) are usually not the best match.

Pros And Cons Of Unshaven Hair Transplants

Like any other hair transplant technique, unshaven hair transplants have several pros and cons.


Next-day Discreetness: The most significant advantage of unshaven FUE is that, unlike shaven transplants, your wounds will be covered by hair, so it will be tough for somebody to realize you have an unshaven FUE. Since the hair is not shaven and grafts extracted one by one, there are no bald patches of skin, resulting in fewer signs that you have had anything done, so feel free to go about your daily business.

Reduced Sun and Element Exposure: The hair in the implantation and donor areas will remain intact and protect your scalp, reducing the risk of sunburns and minimizing irritation during recovery.

Confidence at the beginning: Most patients are usually more confident immediately after their unshaven hair transplant as they can keep the same hairstyle and skip the first stages where hair needs to grow back.

This is a massive benefit for Public-Facing Professions, such as professionals in customer service or front-facing roles. To look presentable right after the hair transplant is over is invaluable.


Time-Consuming and Difficult Method: The FUE extraction method of hair transplantation without the shaving process is more time-consuming and challenging to perform. The surgeon must work around existing hair, which takes time and lengthens the operation. Therefore, this can lead to fewer grafts per session that get extracted and implanted. You need to be sure your surgeon is really experienced. Otherwise, your existing hair before transplant will be damaged.

More Expensive: Because unshaven FUE is longer and more complex, it is usually more expensive than shaven treatments. Patients should expect a more significant financial burden if they select this approach.

Lower Graft Numbers: Since the hairs are unshaven, it can be more challenging to harvest an abundance of grafts in a single session. Sometimes, this may mean the treatment takes several sessions to produce the desired outcome, making it take longer, more expensive, and unpleasant.

Unsuitable for Extensive Hair Loss: An unshaven transplant may be impossible if you are completely bald or have extensive hair loss. The procedure would take too long to complete and may need to be more efficient.

Shaven Hair Transplants, Can You Get Better Results?

Ultimately, the results of a hair transplant (whether shaven or unshaven) primarily rely on the experience and ability of the doctor, as well as the factors associated with your unique case. But few might be more effective if you opt for a shave hair transplant.

Better Visibility for Graft Harvesting: Shaving the donor area will allow hair transplant surgeons to see clearly and help them select only the strongest, healthy hair follicles. This contributes to higher percentages of the transplanted graft surviving and, by extension, an improved outcome.

Quicker and Efficient Procedure: The surgeon can work faster and more efficiently. In bald patients, the surgeon can extract and implant more grafts in a single session, which is an added advantage compared to traditional FUE hair transplant surgery, which requires navigation through existing hair.

Much More Density in Recipient Areas: A shaved procedure allows the recipient area to be completely shaven, making it easier for grafts to be correctly placed at the optimal angle for creating natural results. This will provide more thorough and uniform coverage, especially in large areas where the hair loss has been significant.

Decreased Risk of Complications: Shaven Grafts carry a reduced risk related to normal graft handling due to existing hair. This will allow faster recovery and fewer complications post-operatively.

Although shaven hair transplants may be technically advantageous, the final result would largely depend on the candidate and the skill of the surgeon performing it.

Does Maintenance Take Longer with Unshaven Hair Transplants?

Post-procedure aftercare can be more problematic for an unshaven hair transplant when it is only extractions. There are existing hairs to work around, so proper scalp care after the procedure may take more effort. The complexity of aftercare with unshaven FUE is generally much more significant than when patients choose to have their heads shaved before surgery.

Scalp Washing: Keeping the scalp clean is one of the most critical parts of hair transplant aftercare as it reduces the risk of infection and increases healing speed. Unshaven hair, because their scalp can be more challenging to clean without disturbing the grafts or the likely existing hair. The patient must be delicate while washing hair so as not to displace the newly planted follicles.

Preventing Irritation: Longer hair can hold sweat, oils, and moisture on the scalp, which may lead to irritation. However, after the procedure, the scalp should not be wet and clean over a few days to weeks, allowing healing.

Higher Chance of Grafts Being Dislodged: Because the unshaven hair can become entangled in clothing, pillows or sheets, you run a relatively higher chance of inadvertently dislodging your grafts as they reposition themselves early in the healing process. Patients must be cautious about protecting their scalp from

touching in the days and weeks after surgery.

Monitoring healing is more challenging than shaven hair transplants. The patient and surgeon will struggle to keep track of healing as they cannot see it over their hair. This may limit the ability to identify early signs of complications, such as infection or slow graft take.

Slower Healing Time with Scalp Sensitivity: Even though the surgery is far less invasive in appearance, unshaven hair transplant patients generally experience more prolonged scalp sensitivity and pain because of all the nuances associated with the procedure.

Non-shaven hair transplants are a stealthier, more appealing alternative for patients who would rather not have the marks of surgery on their heads. Unshaven FUE isn’t for everyone; however, it is well-suited to patients with mild to moderate hair loss and longer hair. Unfortunately, the trade-offs that come with this process are increased cost, longer surgery times, and more involved aftercare.

Whether you choose a shaven or unshaven hair transplant procedure, your surgeon’s expertise and approach are critical to producing the best results.

Aftercare is also crucial, and patients with unshaven procedures must be extra careful to ensure good graft survival and healing.

Before deciding to have a hair transplant, it is always advised that you consult with a hair restoration surgeon and discuss your problem and goals.

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