What Are The Causes Of Failure In Fue Hair Transplantation

What Are The Causes Of Failure In Fue Hair Transplantation

FUE hair transplantation is one of the most common aesthetic operations. The rejuvenation of famous names such as Salman Khan, Kevin Costner, Edward Norton, Enrique Iglesias, David Beckham by having FUE hair transplantation, made this operation even more attractive for all segments of the society.

In each century, thousands of people travel to many foreign countries for FUE hair transplantation, and spend time and money on it. Although a significant number of these people are satisfied with the outcome, but some people do not look as they expected and they are not pleased with it. Thus, what are the factors that determine the frustration of being happy with a successful outcome or not getting the expected?

What is the Failure in FUE Hair Transplantation?

Failure in FUE hair transplantation is that the patient’s expectation and the results at the end of the first year are different from each other, and the person who has the transplantation is not pleased.

Choosing a Doctor and Clinic Not Specialized in Fue Hair Transplantation

Most of the people who want to have FUE hair transplantation, travel to other countries, especially Turkey, because they think they will achieve the results they want at a much more affordable price from their own countries. As they do not have the opportunity to visit these clinics, they make their choices on the internet based on the images and statements presented by these hair transplant clinics.

Perhaps the most important factor to consider while choosing a clinic is to make sure that the person who will perform the operation is a real doctor.

New clinics have been opened rapidly due to the increasing demand for FUE hair transplantation and many of these clinics are operated by technicians without being a doctor. Since they cannot use the title of doctor, they introduce themselves as hair transplantation coordinator. If you have any doubts, ask for the visual of your doctor’s diploma.

Another thing to consider is to read the comments of people who have been treated in this clinic before. This gives you an important idea of ​​what you will experience, when you go to the clinic for FUE hair transplantation and ask for support after the operation. In this way, you can understand whether you can achieve the desired result by evaluating the satisfaction of the previous patients.

Having An Unrealistic Expectation About The Outcome Or Being Misinformed

There is a fierce race among FUE hair transplant clinics to get more patients. For this reason, some clinics try to promise people more than the possible consequences. In this way, they take the patient one step ahead of the clinics that tell the truth about the possible outcome, and attract the patient to their own clinics.

Since it takes time to see the results in hair transplantation, the patient experiences great dissatisfaction because he does not reach the promised result although he waits for months. Generally, it is not possible to reach these clinics afterwards.

Besides, some patients think of a hair transplant operation as being created out of nothing and they have an excessive expectation from the operation. Even if the truth is told to them in the hair transplant clinic, they do not want to believe it, and they become displeased again after a long wait.

In order to prevent these scenarios, be sure that you know about yourself before having FUE hair transplantation. Look at the Hamilton-Norwood scale that hair transplant surgeons use to determine the level of hair loss, and look at what stage you are in and how many grafts are needed to completely cover the balding area. In this way, you will have a realistic expectation and not be fooled by others.

Another way to prevent these two scenarios is to guarantee yourself in every respect by choosing a well-known clinic.

Not Applying the Care Recommended by Your Surgeon After Fue Hair Transplantation

The 1-month period after FUE hair transplantation is as important as the procedure itself. You should have learned how to take care of your hair during this period while leaving the hair transplant clinic.

Thus, Smile Hair Clinic gives its patients a file that explains these processes in detail before the patient leaves the clinic. While the patient is being discharged by the surgeon, this file and its contents are explained in detail, and the patient is asked to read this file until he comes back for the control, and to ask the surgeon when he has any questions.

When the patients come back for control, the hair washing procedure is explained in detail and all questions are answered without any question marks in the patient’s mind. If these directives are not implemented, there are risks such as dislocation of the transplanted grafts and infection in the treated area.

You must strictly follow your surgeon’s instructions to avoid any adverse effects and achieve the desired result. Again in this period, any suspicious development should be shared with the doctor, your doctor will take precautions against any negative developments.

Mistakes Made During the Planning Stage

Before the FUE hair transplant operation, the areas to be treated are determined by drawing. Sapphire hair transplant operation is an aesthetic operation, therefore every doctor will try to fulfill the wishes of his patient first.

It is necessary to reach a certain density in order to obtain a beautiful and natural result in hair transplantation. For this reason, if the doctor determines the surface area to be transplanted in a way that causes lower density than necessary, unfortunately, the result will not satisfy the patient at the planning stage. Given this factor, it would also be wise to consider the surgeon’s advice, rather than insisting on your own wishes.

Being An Unsuitable Candidate For Hair Transplantation

Before the sapphire hair transplantation procedure, when the person’s hair starts to fall out, whether there is a family history, detailed medical history, and the type of hair loss should be evaluated by the doctor.

FUE hair transplantation is not a remedy for all types of hair loss. Some diseases directly affect the result of transplantation negatively. If deemed necessary, your doctor will ask you for additional examinations and determine whether you are suitable for transplantation or not.

Whether the person is suitable for FUE hair transplantation means whether the number of grafts that can be taken from your donor area will create a satisfactory density in the area to be transplanted or not. If the area to be transplanted is too large and the donor area is not in density and width to cover it, sufficient density will not be obtained and the resulting image will not make the patient satisfied. In these kind of situations, hair simulations and micropigmentation may be a better way for the person.

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