What Should I Do Before Hair Transplant

What Should I Do Before Hair Transplant Procedure? 

Before Procedure; If you are the one who is thinking about undergoing a hair transplant surgery, it is so usual to linger on some thoughts such as what should I do before a hair transplant? What should I know before hair transplant? How to prepare for my forthcoming hair transplant?

 It is normal to feel nervous if you have never experienced hair transplantation before. Therefore, the role of consultation and information is so essential for the patient’s psychological readiness. 

Before Procedure Guide” will prepare you for your hair transplant. In that way, you will be informed about all the processes you will be going through. Knowing the process makes you feel relaxed; it leads patients to an easy and smooth operation. 

“The before hair transplant procedure” is simple. That is why, if you pay attention carefully, there is nothing to be worried about your forthcoming procedure. 


Before Hair Transplant Procedure

  • Choose a Professional Clinic

Finding a good clinic for your hair transplant surgery is the first important thing you should pay attention to. 

Therefore, you must research the best clinics to get the best treatment. 

  • Stalk the Social Media of the Clinic

It would be better to find clinics’ social media accounts that generally demonstrate their patients and experiences or websites to have the necessary information about the clinic; it will be helpful to look at before-after photos of patients and comments below the pictures. 

You can go to the Smile website or Instagram account to learn about Smile in general, our doctors; you can also read our blogs and see the before-after photos of our patients! 

  • Search About the Doctors of the Clinic

Researching about the doctor and going over CVs will assist you in making up your decision of the clinic where you are going to have your hair transplantation. 

Always remember that a trustworthy clinic will considerably assist in having professional treatment, instruction, effective communication with physicians and the best possible outcome at the end. 

  • Should I Cut My Hair Before the Procedure?

Shaving your hair may not be a good idea depending on the hair transplant technique performed for you. So do not cut your hair before the procedure. We want to keep your hair long for the planning before the surgery to see and mark the areas that need a surgical correction. You can keep your hair 1-2 inches long. After the planning, we will have your hair cut at the clinic. 

  • Should I Have Breakfast Before the Procedure?

Definitely yes! You can have breakfast but avoid a greasy and heavy breakfast. A light breakfast will be okay for you. 

Remember to inform our clinic about your food preferences for lunch (vegetarian, kosher, etc.), so we get your meal type.

  • Inform Your Doctor about your Health and Medications You Take

Inform your doctor about the medicines you are taking and your health condition. We must know these details because they may affect your surgery. Therefore, you must inform your doctor if you suffer from allergies, bleeding disorders, asthma, high blood pressure, breathing problems, diabetes, psoriasis, or any chronic diseases.

  • Inform your doctor about the Allergies You Have 

If you have allergies to any medications, please inform your doctor about them. It has importance because you will need to take some medicines after your operation. Your doctor will prescribe different pills if you have an allergy to any medication. 

  • Inform Your Doctor About Surgeries You Have Had Before

Information about your previous surgeries is another aspect of your hair transplantation process. It gives your doctor an idea about the healing of the skin, scar formation level, and how you reacted to anesthesia in general. 

  • Some Medicines You Should Stop Taking One Week Before the Procedure
  1. Aspirin
  2. Anti-inflammatory medications
  3. B or E vitamins
  4. Blood Thinners
  5. Ibuprofen
  6. Herbal medication

These are some medicines you should stop taking one week before your hair treatment to prevent increased bleeding.

Please inform your surgeon before scheduling the surgery if you use any other medications not mentioned in the list.

If you are using Finasteride or Propecia, you do not need to stop taking them. However, Minoxidil or Rogaine should be avoided one week before surgery and resumed two weeks later. In addition, before taking any prescribed medications before the hair transplantation, consult your doctor.

  • No, You Can’t Drink Alcohol

Since Alcohol may interfere with the anesthetic medications used during the surgery and increase bleeding and bruising, please stop taking Alcohol 5-7 days before the surgery and avoid it for 10-14 days after the surgery. 

  • No, You Can’t Smoke 

Since cigarettes include nicotine, which can constrict blood vessels and reduce blood flow to the scalp, nicotine consumption impacts your operation process and healing phase. It is more difficult for the body to recover after an incision if you smoke because nicotine prevents oxygen from getting through your blood. Therefore, it should be avoided. 

  • Do not Apply Hair Care Oils, Hair Gels, and Other Similar Products

Hair Care oils and similar products such as gels and creams should not be used before the procedure.

It is also better not to wear a hat before your operation to prevent any microbial growth due to warmth or sweat and prepare your donor and recipient area.

It is more difficult for the body to recover after an incision if you smoke because nicotine prevents oxygen from getting through your blood. 

 If you are dealing with dandruff, it is better to consult your doctor. Your doctor can advise you on the appropriate product.

  • Put Something on You are Comfortable With

Before your hair transplantation surgery, wear comfortable clothes. Clothes with zippers or buttons are advised because your scalp should not be damaged after the treatment. So pay attention to putting something on that you will be comfortable with! 

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