When Are Hair Transplant Results Obtained?

When Are Hair Transplant Results Obtained?

This question is at the top of the questions our patients ask who are looking for a remedy for hair loss and want to have sapphire FUE hair transplantation. Considering the fact that FUE hair transplantation is the only permanent treatment for hair loss. And, getting a good result may take at least one year to achieve the desired result.

The experience of the chosen clinic and following the recommended treatments are very effective in shortening the process and the desired result after FUE hair transplantation. Hair transplantation is a long journey. Besides, it is very important to have a team that knows the anatomy and physiology of the hair with you on this journey.

A balanced diet, paying attention to hydration, and accelerating blood flow by massaging the scalp is helpful after getting approval from your doctor and will contribute to hair growth in this process. Accelerating blood flow by massaging for 2-6 months positively affects the growth of your new hair and the donor area to recover more quickly after FUE hair transplantation.

There are differences in the hair growth according to the area where the hair transplantation is performed. The results in transplantation in the front regions give earlier results than the transplantation in the top region. In the studies, different regions were observed. Although there was a difference in the thickness and liveliness of the transplanted roots, reaching the final thickness in the areas with less blood supply is determined until the 24th month.

Smile Hair Clinic has treated thousands of patients so far. In the follow-up of these patients, our team observed immediately after the operation. In addition, only 1.5% of the group achieved the expected result within the first few months.


The remaining majority of the patients who underwent FUE hair transplantation, our patients, observed their hair grow 2-3 weeks after the procedure and were satisfied. Unfortunately, the period we call “shock loss” = “Shock loss” = “shedding” starts right after. During this period, the hair leaves its shafts, i.e., the visible parts, and the transplanted hair falls out.

Shock loss is when the hair enters the phase we call telogen effluvium. It is an entirely natural response to the stress they experience during the operation. Transplanted hair follicles are firm under the skin. This is also a phase of the life cycle of our hair.

Approximately 12% of the hair on their head is in the telogen effluvium phase. Even though our doctors inform patients about the whole process after the procedure in Smile Hair Clinic, sometimes an unpleasant waiting period is encountered, which can cause panic.

The 4th-5th Months of Hair Growth

There is not much improvement until the 4th-5th month. This month, the early stages of hair growth begin to be observed. This hair is fine hair that is not fully mature. Although this process can be depressing for some patients, it indicates that the hair is healthy and the process is moving in the right direction. Although our patients who have been operated on in Smile Hair Clinic tell us how happy they are at the end of the 1st year, the entire thickening process is completed between the 12th-24th months.

The 6th-7th Months of Hair Growth

The areas with hair cups on the month suddenly begin to fill in the 6th-7th months. This marks the beginning of an incredible period for our patients who have struggled with baldness for years and have experienced the stress of it. It should not be forgotten that the appearance and frequency in this period is only the beginning.

The frequency will increase much more in the following months. Only 60% of the result will be witnessed between the 6th-9th months. Some patients apply to Smile Hair Clinic for hair loss complaints during this period. It should not be forgotten that the loss of 10-100 hair per day is average, and one should not be worried about it.

At the End of the 12th months of Hair Growth

There is an increase in the density of the transplanted hair between the 9th-12th months. During this period, new hair continues to grow, and thickening increases. At the end of the 12th month, 80% of the density aimed to be formed as a result of transplantation is obtained. Now the hair has grown, only the completion of thickening remains. This is also completed between the 12th-24th months, and the result of your operation in the Smile Hair Clinic is fully visible.

As the Smile Hair Clinic family, we are always with you on your journey with our full support.


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